Computer Science

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Packet Analyzers

 Packet Analyzer:

A Packet Analyzer is a program that monitors network activity. These programs can see any and all information that is being passed over a given network. As information (data) travels over the network, the packet sniffer program observes, or “sniffs”, each “packet of data. A packet is an observable part of data that has been “broken-up” that the program reads.

Packet analyzers located on ISP servers (Internet Service Provider) can monitor any and all activity that happens online within that ISP. For example, a packet sniffer located on a server for a workplace can monitor the online activities of all of its workers. This could include sending/receiving emails, websites visited, and online transactions made. An employer can utilize this information to determine how productive their staff is actually being online, and whether they are engaging in inappropriate online activity.  

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